Inspiring Change Through Music
ICTM supports aspiring musicians and community activities as well as providing youth work facilities to marginalised groups. This includes 121 sessions, mentoring, supportive groups sessions and specialised projects, supporting wellbeing through music and actively promoting inclusion and access to music.
Rap, Lyric writing, Poetry, Beat Making and Production workshops.
We work with 12 - 25-year-olds in Oxfordshire who face a range of adversities.
We support young people facing a range of adversities from mental ill-health, isolation and anxiety, to risk of criminal, drug and sexual exploitation. We provide bespoke music and mentoring sessions that help them to make positive changes in their lives.
Music can be used as an important therapeutic tool. It can be used to engage with people, inspire them, build confidence and resilience. If you are a charity or youth group that would like to know more about the services we offer or if you would like to make a referral, please feel free to get in contact with us.
Or give us a call on 07724064476

Testimonials from partner organisations
Tim Parkhouse - Youth justice service
In-Spire offers a unique package for young people who have an interest in music at any level, whether technical or artistic. With a great city-centre location they have a flexible and easy-going, child-centred approach which has proved successful with difficult to reach young people who may have additional needs, be excluded from education and at risk of offending behaviour. The quality of the output has amazed the young people, families and professionals alike. This alone must be a huge confidence boost to the young artists but the real value is in the learning process which challenges them to take risks in a safe environment and explore their thoughts and feelings about what’s important to them. An invaluable resource for which there never seems to be a shortage of demand amongst young people at risk of social exclusion.
SAFE! – Chloe Purcell – Director
SAFE! has worked in partnership with Inspired Sounds to bring high quality music workshops to children and young people affected by crime and abuse. This partnership has offered creative musical opportunities to disadvantaged and vulnerable young people, and in some cases, these have been transformative. As an organisation we are passionate about enabling young people to grow in self-esteem and confidence following difficult or traumatic experiences, and the work of Inspire sounds work fits beautifully with this. I have been impressed with how the practitioners have encouraged and developed even those young people who are not musically gifted, as well as those who are. I hope very much that SAFE! has opportunities to work alongside Inspire Sounds over the next few years.
Joseph Barrett - Oxfordshire City Council & The Youth Ambition Team
Oxford City Council’s, Youth Ambition Team have worked in partnership with In-Spire Sounds for around a year and fully endorse their bespoke, innovative and highly engaging approach to working with young people.
Offering a range of activities based around music and music production, we have seen young people transformed in a matter of weeks. The non-formal education element based around music allows young people to express themselves and speak frankly on the issues that are affecting them, their peers and their communities in a safe environment.
Their programmes allow young people to develop in areas of life that the formal curriculum does not offer and build a skill set that is transferable and vital to young people’s transitions into a healthy, happy adulthood.
Donnington Doorstep - Nicola Holmes Brown - Interim Charity Director
There is huge value in the work that you deliver both individually and in groups.
Music allows young people to explore issues and express themselves in the third person, it provides significant opportunities for relationships to be developed with trusted adults and amongst peer groups. Young people have respect for artists and mentors who understand their youth subculture and are then in a better position to challenge views and behaviours that may be negative or risky.
Allowing, supporting and cultivating Artistic creativity with young people allows for expression of self, development of identity (individually and collectively), opportunities for young people to have a voice and to develop confidence, self-esteem and become role models among peers.
There is a monumental need for more work of this nature, and we would want to develop more pathways for partnership work and opportunities to refer young people into the programmes on offer. Your work and your approach is truly inspirational!
Donnington Doorstep - Fred Toon - Step Out Manager
It has been a real pleasure working in partnership with Kingsley and inspire sounds. The approach they take and the dedication they have shown in engaging with some of the most vulnerable young people in the county has been truly inspiring. Whilst working alongside Inspire Sound I have witnessed first-hand the power that music has to inspire positive change in young people. Young people that have often been marginalised and who feel that other intervention as and agencies have
all but given up on them.
Ark-T Centre - Hannah B - Music for Everyone project
We've been working with Kingsley from In-Spire Sounds as a freelancer over the last year and have only had a positive experience. We're looking forward to continuing to work together in 2021, as Kingsley brings his experience, knowledge and enthusiasm to all the work he does.