Child Services and Education
Please find below our policies and safeguarding procedures
Our policies are reviewed and updated at least every 12 months
Contact Details:
In-Spire Sounds Designated Safeguarding Lead: Kingsley Pratt Boyden
Email: in.spire.sounds.uk@gmail.com
Tel: 07724 064478
Independent Complaints:
For any complaints about our staff, please contact
Our Chair of Trustees: Agya Poudyal
Email: agyapoudyal@gmail.com
Details of our local safeguarding boards and contact information
Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board: https://www.oscb.org.uk/
Email: oscb@oxfordshire.gov.uk
LCSS Central
Email: LCSS.Central@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Address: Knights Court, Between Towns Road, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 3LX
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO): https://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/local-authority-designated-officer-lado
Email: lado.safeguardingchildren@oxfordshire.gov.uk.
Tel: 01865 810603